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Are my medical bills covered in my settlement?

Apr 9

What Can I Expect from an Illinois Car Settlement for an Accident?

A car accident can turn an otherwise good day miserable. Even a minor accident can result in hours of work interruptions, disruptions in routines as well as a decrease in ability to manage daily responsibilities. Additionally, there is the added burden of trying to put everything back on track. You may wonder what type of compensation you can expect to receive from the Illinois settlement for your car accident. Let's take a closer look.

How is fault determined in a car wreck?

In a car accident, the method of determining who is at fault is often determined by the insurance firms involved, using a combination of details from the accident itself to make this determination. Insurance companies will use the state laws, the details of the police report and potentially witness statements for their evaluation. They'll probably also look at the physical evidence of the crash itself. They will send out an assessor to look closely at the damaged vehicle as well as take photos and then write up a comprehensive report.  At this point you should already have a personal injury lawyer Belleville IL in your corner helping you to aquire the best outcome possible.  You want to make sure you give us a call as soon as you can so that we can make sure that all of the required documents are in order.  You do not want to speak to any insurance companies until you have consulted with us!

It can be difficult to determine the fault in an auto accident. In many cases there is no way for blame to be assigned to only one person. Most cases will assign fault in proportions. One party may be held accountable for 30% and the rest 70% responsible..

In states with modified comparative negligence -- that includes Illinois -- you are not entitled to claim damages if it is determined that you to be 51% or more at fault for the crash.

What is an agreement?

In the beginning, it's important to make sure that you know the meaning of "settlement" and what it signifies as a legal term. You could be responsible for damages when you're the victim of negligence or error caused by another person. These are often the focus of a legal case where the victim is seeking to collect the damages from the responsible party.

Settlement is an agreement about the amount the responsible party will be required to pay.

This figure is typically determined through discussions between the plaintiffs and defendants. This is an important function of a lawyer during a car accident case. If you are a victim of an auto accident lawyer will utilize his experience and expertise to secure the best settlement that is possible for you.

What kinds of damages are being considered?

There are many types of damage that can be caused by car accidents.

Damages to the vehicle

The most direct expenses that an injured party must pay for the most obvious damages during a car accident is caused by the incident. These are vehicle damages that need to be repaired. In the event of the vehicle being totaled beyond repair, damages could include the cost of replacing the vehicle.

Medical Expenses

A settlement could also include medical expenses. Settlements can cover expenses of an ambulance ride, hospital treatment continuing care, subsequent visits, as well as any prescriptions for medications due to injuries sustained during the accident.

Lost Wages

The loss of wages is another area that plaintiffs are able to seek compensation. If you had to take leave from work in order to seek medical treatment or car repairs, you could be entitled to compensation for any wages lost. You may also be eligible to receive compensation for wages lost when you're injured during an accident or have to miss work during recovery.

Suffering and Pain

But more complex is the process of determining the value of suffering and pain. Even though the victim has the right to receive compensation for the physical and emotional cost of being a victim of a car accident , it isn't always easy to obtain an equitable amount of compensation. A knowledgeable and skilled lawyer is an invaluable advantage in this case.

What is the maximum settlement amount?

The value of a car accident settlement in Illinois differs widely based on the circumstances of the case. The standard rule of thumb is that you can expect to pay three times the amount of the medical bills resulting from the collision. However, this is not a definitive measure of the settlement. In some cases, the parties may settle for less , while other cases may accept a much higher sum.

The unique and individual incident and the extent of the injuries will have a major influence on the settlement.

A skilled attorney will assist those injured in car accidents to reach a settlement. This will assure that the victim will get back to their lives as smooth and fast as possible.

Law Office of Jason B. Going

Address:  1803 N Belt W, Belleville, IL 62226

Phone:  (618) 408-1290